Thursday, 18 February 2021

Family Updates

Hello there!  I have a few ideas for posts that I would like to share soon (some of them inspired by creative challenges on the forum), but for now, I would like to draw your attention to a number of updates I have made to our Meet The Families page in the last month or so.

I am pleased to introduce the Dale family of sheep, the Fletcher family of border collies, the Pennypress family of red pandas, and Mrs Roxy Renard.

If you have not yet read their bios, and would like to, they can all be found on our Meet The Families - Macadamia Grove page, as they are all residents of the village (you will need to scoll down to find them - the families are listed alphabetically by surname).

I have also added a picture of my Slydale fox family, with their names, but I have not yet included their bios - they will come soon!

I am also looking forward to adding some other new additions to the Town page, but it is always the same old problem, isn't it? - so many projects, and so little time...  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading about these families., and that you are having some time to work on your own pet projects, whatever they may be!


  1. Lovely families! I was pleased when I got my red pandas, and similarly when I got my honey foxes, but didn't expect to be as delighted as I was with the Dales. They are incredibly sweet aren't they?

    As usual, your biographies are a super read, and I look forward to seeing your newcomers appear in your future stories. And your Roxy Renard photo is lovely!

  2. Hi GreyRabbit!
    Blogger glitched on me when I tried to publish the comment I originally wrote, nooo! Hopefully this one works!

    Thank you for the update! It's always fun to read about your families and I'm looking forward to your future projects.

    I love how the Fletcher father and daughter have archery as a hobby, that's such an interesting idea! Merida is a perfect name for the girl, hehe.
    Roxy Renard sounds like such an interesting Sylvanian! I'd love to read a story featuring her. I'm so jealous, too! The Renards have been on top of my wishlist for quite some time, but so far I've had no luck finding them in good condition and for a reasonable price.
    Always love seeing the red pandas, one of my favourite families for sure! Verity's name is quite fun too considering her description, hehe.

    Have a great week-end!

    1. Thanks Ayrell! I'm glad you enjoyed some of the names of these creatures - I do enjoy playing with their names and descriptions!
      I sort of found Roxy by accident. I wasn't really looking for her, but she popped up on Gumtree with the old washing machine and a few related accessories for such a reasonable price that I had to snap her up!

    2. Oh, a lucky find! Those are the best, congrats! :)

  3. Hello GreyRabbit,

    Like Jackson Butterglove says in his comment, I was also delighted when I got the Dales. They are my favourite family of the ones you have purchased.

    Hope all your new citizens settle in nicely in Macadamia Grove. :)

    Kind regards,

  4. Hi GreyRabbit,
    Lovely family pictures and great bios and names. You are so creative!
    I haven´t updated my "Meet the families" page in ages.
    It´s great you are able to do it little by little.
    Hope to see some of these families in your coming stories.


  5. Thanks for your comments, Nina and Cutata! The Dales have very sweet faces, don't they Nina?
