Monday 8 April 2019

Mother of Dragons...

Over on the Sylvanian Families forum, every few weeks there is a new Creative Challenge.  I joined in last time with the Spring Festival theme, but haven't posted my entry here yet (as it is part of a story that I haven't finished yet - it is coming soon, I promise!)

Anyway, last week the new challenge theme was announced:  Television and Radio.

Now I have to say, at first I was a bit disappointed about this theme, as Macadamia Grove doesn't have these technologies.  It was mentioned that we could feature a play or dance recital instead, and I thought, yeah maybe....  And then I saw the other suggestion - to paraphrase:  "have your critters recreate your favourite TV show."  And then I had an idea...

Oh, dear.  Suddenly, this was the most exciting theme yet!  I got to work right away.  This was going to be EPIC.  And then I realised - sooo many characters... sooo many storylines... SOOO much sewing...  So I've downsized, and chosen to concentrate on one character for the moment.  I'm hoping to have time to explore some others at a later date, as this was just SO much fun!  (By the way, there will be light spoilers here, but nothing past Season Three or thereabouts).  Without further ado, I hereby present the first instalment of my....


Having been sold off in marriage to the Dothraki leader Khal Drogo, and having initially been really quite frightened of the whole situation (not to mention being way too young for all this!), Daenerys Targaryen was starting to think that maybe her new husband wasn't so bad after all...

"I must ride to battle, Moon of My Life."
"Return to me, my Sun and Stars."

Plus there were the fossilised dragon eggs that she had been given as a wedding present.  They were nice, too.  Weird that everyone else said they were cold as stone - they always felt warm to her...

When Drogo died, Daenerys was grief stricken.  She placed the dragon eggs on his funeral pyre, then as the flames rose high in the night, and ignoring the alarmed cries of her new people, the Khaleesi herself walked into the flames.

Imagine the shock and awe the next morning, when the Dothraki people discovered their Khaleesi had not burned to death, but emerged from the ashes with three newly hatched dragons!

Years passed...  Daenerys travelled much, and encountered many dangers and challenges, but she learned a great deal, and yet kept her pure heart.  This was a young lady who was changing the world.  Above all, she always remained focused on her dreams of returning to her homeland of Westeros, and reclaiming the Iron Throne that was rightfully hers...

With her dragons growing larger every day, and her loyal armies amassing behind her, Daenerys felt there was nothing that could possibly stand in her way...

"All hail Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons!"

Will this be how the story ends?  Who else can't wait for Season Eight?

For this challenge, I made all of the costumes, the dragon eggs and their box, and the Iron Throne.  I also made all the stone-look floors and walls, but they were made previously for roads etc in our Town display.  Thank you to my daughter Caitlyn for lending me her Silk Cat and Walnut Squirrel figures, as well as her Viserion Pop Vinyl!  (and no, my twelve year old does NOT watch or read Game of Thrones - but she does like dragons!)


  1. This is wonderful! I am a fan of the series too and I think this is so cool! How did you make the throne? It looks awesome! Can't wait for your next installment!

  2. Hi sylvanako! So glad you like it - thanks!
    The throne was made in a couple of easy stages: I bought a little cheap wooden chair from a $2 shop - these have the right seat size for a Sylvanian, but the legs are too long (which made it a good size for this). I also bought a pack of little neon-coloured plastic swords (these are sold as party food picks) and bent some of them into shape by melting them with a hot glue gun. Others I snapped in various ways to make different lengths & vary some of the handles. Then I glued the bent ones onto the seat of the chair, and spray painted the others - and the chair - silver.
    Next I printed out a picture of the - er - "real" Iron Throne, and cut it out. I glued the back of it in front of the back of my chair, and glued the "skirt" parts in front of the legs of the chair, but behind the bent swords. This gave the throne some depth without me having to actually melt the proverbial thousand swords. :) Lastly I glued the extra silver swords over the printed back part of the throne - and that's it!
    Hopefully the next instalment will star Jon Snow and Arya & Sansa Stark, so stay tuned...

  3. It is all very impressive, Grey Rabbit! I hadn't realised you'd made the Iron Throne too; you are a skilful crafter indeed. A brilliant choice of a squirrel for Drogo - he looks just the part! And the lighting of the pyre really sets off the photo.

    I'm pleased you're going to continue with this theme - it's a visual treat.

  4. Thanks Jackson! Yes, Mr Walnut works well for Drogo, doesn't he? Especially because of his face markings, I think (and he looks quite muscly without a shirt on!) :D
    I have my husband to thank for the lighting - he had some little orange LEDs that worked perfectly!

  5. From the forum message I didn't realize you made the throne, I thought it was something you bought wow, I'm totally impressed !!! Ok, as I know nothing about GOT, after seeing your pictures I'll sure have to end asking everybody until someone let me borrow a DVD because if a dragon is envolved at some point... how could I resist ?! heehee

  6. This is so fun! The way you have recreated the stories is brilliant.

  7. Thanks Arcadia and Sarah! It was great fun to recreate. I hope to do more after Easter! :)

  8. Hi GreyRabbit!
    Even though I had heard about Game of Thrones I haven´t watched it so I didn´t know much about the story. However, your recreation of the series made me feel very curious about it. It sounds so exciting!

    I compared your handmade iron throne with the one of the series and I´m really impressed . You did an amazing job! The eggs look great too and the sylvanians you chose, match the characters of the series perfectly. After reading your post I felt the urge to search the web and find out more about this popular series.

  9. Thanks Cutata! If you are planning to start watching GoT though, I wouldn't do too much looking on the internet - you will find spoilers galore, and you really do need to start at the beginning of season one! :)

  10. I really enjoyed this entry, GreyRabbit! You had a wonderful idea and picked just the perfect Sylvanians for the job. I don't watch GoT (the show) but I'm eagerly waiting for the next book!

    The throne looks amazing! Fantastic job! The funeral pyre looks awesome too. Love the cute dragon eggs, and the Funko Pop is perfect, hehe!

  11. Thanks Ayrell - aren't we all waiting (and waiting, and waiting...) for the next book! I think we might be waiting an awfully long time yet for that. The show overtook the books a while ago though, in terms of where the story is up to.
