Thursday, 4 November 2021

Quick Photo Challenge: Candy!

Over on the Sylvanian Families Collectors Forum, a new monthly challenge has popped up:  the Sylvanian Families Photo Challenge.  This is intended to be a quick, no-big-setup-or-story-necessary photo, with a set theme.  This month the theme is "Candy".

Well, I had the perfect Sylvanian for this one...

Joy Woolly is wearing the lovely candy-print dress that Caitlyn Hazelnut made and gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago.

Hope you are having as good a day as Joy is!  :)


  1. What a sweetie! And the dress is just right. Well done Caitlyn!

  2. The pastel colors are beautiful and Joy Wooly is perfect for this! Even her name is suitable for this photo, haha

  3. Joy looks adorable and her lovely dress matches perfectly with the bowls of candy. Beautiful colours!

  4. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments. :)
