Saturday 21 March 2020

Wilbur's Impromptu Shower...

Today, Henrietta Wendy Grunt engaged in a spot of uncharacteristic naughtiness...

Hamlet, it must be said, thought this very funny, and was rather impressed with his sister.  Wilbur on the other hand went roaring to his mother, and was shocked to find that she looked quite amused, too!

"Oh well dear, I expect you probably needed a shower anyway," she said, trying to suppress a giggle.

In truth, Constance was secretly rather pleased that HenWen had got her own back for once - usually it was the two boys who played tricks on her!

I hope everyone is able to find something to smile (or giggle!) at - smiles are good for you!  :o)


  1. Hi GreyRabbit! Thank you for sharing this light-hearted post! And yes, it did make me giggle! Good on HenWen for getting a score against her brother!
    I love the photo, especially the tree house! Did you make it?
    Hope you have a good week!

    1. Hi Kelsie - thanks! Yes, I did make the tree house, out of popsicle sticks.

  2. Ha ha! Good to know that HenWen can give as good as she takes!

    That's a great picture, and the water effect looks really good. I think it was a picture by a forum member that inspired me to buy my Grunt family. The flocking on my triplets' arms isn't great, but I can overlook that because they look so cute. And look mischievous too, with which you clearly agree!

    1. Definitely - Wilbur and Hamlet are well known for being kind of a handful! HenWen is usually much more of a little lady, so I thought it would be rather nice to see her mischievous side. I'm glad you liked the photo (and the water effect is just a bit of cling wrap - not a perfect water substitute, but I thought it worked well enough for this).

  3. Hello GreyRabbit,

    This post is adorable. :) Thank you for sharing it.

    Such a cute story about the Grunt Family and an excellent photo of HenWen pouring water on Wilbur's little head.

    Have a pleasant day!

  4. Thanks Nina! Hope you are having a good day too.

  5. Hi GreyRabbit,

    Thank you for sharing this adorable picture. Those piglets are the cutest! It's a good and fun thing that HenWen decided to take initiative for once and play a trick on her brothers, hehe. Her mother's comment was hilarious.
    (By the way, I'm reading the first book in The Chronicles of Prydain! It's good fun, nice old-fashioned fantasy!).
    I'm so impressed by the beautiful tree house you made! It's perfect!

    Stay safe and healthy, have a great week.

  6. Thanks Ayrell! I'll have to share a picture of the Grunts' front yard one day...
    I'm glad you're enjoying The Book of Three! It is rather fun, isn't it? Have you met Eilonwy yet? I think she's hilarious. :)

    1. Hi GreyRabbit,
      Looking forward to the picture of the Grunts' front yard!
      I just adore Eilonwy, she's my favourite! :)
      Have a great day!

  7. Thank you GreyRabbit for making me smile! I´m afraid Wilbur didn´t find it funny at all!
    It´s good HenWen gave her brothers a bit of their own medicine.
    Take care! Have a nice day!

  8. Thanks Cutata! Wilbur got quite a shock! I think HenWen will have to watch out for a retaliatory trick one day soon (or maybe he will be a bit more careful of tricking her in future..!)
