Wednesday 5 December 2018

The Bouquets Arrive

It was a fine sunny morning in Sylvania.  In Town, the shops were just opening, the children had all just gone off to school, and the workers were getting organised for the day.

But there was one family whose day had begun much earlier, and who stepped into Plum Street rather more nervously than the other people around them did.

The Bouquet family of skunks had just arrived from the countryside.  They were not strangers to Town - Stilton had grown up in the city, and had moved to the countryside after meeting Rosemary there on a holiday when they were younger.  

Since then, they had visited Town often, even after their children were born.  Aniseed and Jasmine associated Town with Christmas shopping, haircuts, and visiting Daddy's old friends.

This time, though, was different.  This time they were here to stay.  It had always been the plan - to start their married lives in the sleepy country town where Rosemary had grown up, to begin raising their children there, surrounded by fresh air and green things growing.  Then, when the children were a little older, to move the family to Town and start their own business.

Now, here they were, and about to step into their new apartment for the first time!  Actually, Stilton and Rosemary had both been there before, but that had been whilst it was still being built.  Now they would get to see the place with all the flooring finished, and with the wallpapers Rosemary had chosen - she so hoped they would look as nice as they had in her mind!

When they arrived, Aniseed's eyes widened.  "Whoah," he said softly.  "It's a tall building!"
"It's not all for us, is it, Mama?" seven-year-old Jasmine asked in wonder.

"Don't be silly Jas," her brother answered scornfully, with all the authority of his nine years.  "It's an apartment building, remember?  Lots of little houses, stacked up like blocks.  And we get to be in the one at the very top!" he finished excitedly.

Their parents laughed.  "Aniseed is right, Jasmine," her father said kindly, as they took the lift up to their floor.  "And our apartment will actually be a bit smaller than what you're used to.  But you'll see, we will make it work."
Then he opened the door, and they all looked around...

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