Sunday 9 December 2018

The Bouquets Move In

This is Part Two of the story of the Bouquet skunk family's arrival in their new home.  To see the first part, go here.

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"Oh Stilton, the wallpaper looks lovely," Rosemary exclaimed happily.
"I knew it would," her husband replied.  "You have very good taste, my dear."

Meanwhile, the children had ventured into the next room, which turned out to be the bedroom.

"Bunk beds!" yelled Aniseed.  "Bags the top one!"
Stilton, following them in, laughed.  "I think your mum might have put Jasmine's bedding on the top one, Aniseed," he said.

"I don't mind having the bottom bunk," Jasmine said.  "We can change the sheets over later."  She looked over at the couch in the room.  "Is that a fold-out sofa bed for you and Mama?"
Stilton eyed his daughter warily.
"I know it's a small apartment, Jas," he began nervously.  "I know you're used to a bigger house, but I'm sure you'll get used to this one in no time, and there are lots of things about living in Town that I know you're going to love..."

"It is small," Jasmine said quietly.  She looked around at the patterned wallpaper, the new bunk beds, and finally her father, and she smiled.  "But it's pretty.  I think it's going to be just fine.  Can we go and see upstairs now?"
Stilton relaxed a little.  "Of course - the stairs are back out in the entry."

They found Rosemary upstairs, inspecting the new stove and oven.

"Um... Mum?  Are we going to get a table?"  Aniseed asked, confused.

Rosemary smiled.  "Of course we are dear, but it won't be in here.  We are going to have a lovely rooftop courtyard for our meal area.  It will be great for having visitors and parties."  She glanced over at Jasmine, who looked interested at this, then at Stilton, who smiled reassuringly at her.  They had been a little worried about Jasmine's reaction to the move.  She had been sad to leave her old school in the countryside, and had left many friends behind.  Aniseed was another matter - nothing much fazed him, and he was excited to start at their new school, which was known for its excellent science program.

"Ooo, I like the bathroom!" Jasmine exclaimed.  "We've got a shower!  We only had a bath in our old house."

"So, family, what do we all think of the new house?  Will it do?" asked Stilton, when all the exploring was done.

"Well I'm very happy with how it has turned out," said Rosemary.  "Obviously there is a bit of work still to be done to get the courtyard up and running, but I think it is going to be a lovely place to live."  She looked expectantly at the children.
Aniseed shrugged.  "Yeah, it's cool," he said.  "The view is awesome."
"I like it too," said Jasmine softly.  "It's... very different.  Not like our old home.  But it's little and cute - it's nice in its own way."

Stilton and Rosemary were thrilled.  They just knew that this was going to be the beginning of a wonderful new life.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Sophie! It's a very little house, but the Bouquets are happy there. I must post another story about them someday, showing their rooftop courtyard...
